
How to Make a Bow and Arrow

Modern-day Robin Hood wannabes or those who want to experience what it’s like to be a hunter in the wilds may feel that using modern archery sets may not have that “authentic” feel that they’re going for. Fortunately, it is possible for one to learn how to make a bow and arrow just a good as those used by the archers of yore.For the bow, one must use a piece of deadwood with a length as tall as the user, about 5 to 6 feet long and a diameter of at least one inch. The wood has to be flexible; recommended types are ash, black locust, elm, hazel, hickory, oak, teak and yew. For the arrows, one will need six pieces of wood with a length of 1 to 2 feet and a diameter of 1/2 inch. The same kinds of wood mentioned for the bow are also ideal for making the arrows. One will also need a string of hemp about 3 3/4 to 4 1/2 feet long for the bowstring, and three pieces of 12 x 10 inch cardboard. The tools required are a sharp knife, a utility or craft knife, and craft glue or rubber cement. The first step is notching and whittling the bow. Using the knife, a notch each must be cut on both ends of the wood being made into the bow. The notches should be about 1 to 2 inches from either end, cut in a half-circle or half-moon shape on the outward-arching side of the bow at an angle of 90 degrees, and deep enough so as to go halfway through the wood’s diameter. Next, the inner and outer sides of each end of the bow are then to be whittled. The bow has to be wide in the middle section, and its two ends must be narrow and flexible.The process of whittling the wood to be made into the arrows is about the same as that for the bow, but the notches cut on each arrow should be straight and made only on one end. This notch is the part of the arrow where the bowstring sits when it is pulled on the bow. The next step in how to make a bow and air angry bird arrow is stringing the bow. The hemp string to be used must be shorter than the bow itself, so as to give the bow the tension needed to propel the arrow. A loop must be made Flying angry bird on each end of the bowstring; the size of the loops must be enough to fit firmly on the notches made on both ends of the bow. One will need to use one’s foot for leverage to force the bow into a curve in order to easily fasten the bowstring around each end. For the arrow’s tail, each arrow will need three triangular-shaped pieces of cardboard 1 1/4 inches wide and 3 3/4 inches Wholesale Air Swimmers long. Evenly-spaced from each other, the pieces must be glued some 1/4 inches from the arrow’s notched edge. As for the arrowheads, well, this article is meant to teach how to make a bow and arrow for fun, not how to make weapons for real. It is much safer to stay away from sharp objects.Give or take a couple modern touches, such as using cardboard and glue, this process of how to make a bow and arrow is pretty much similar to how they were made back in olden times. So whether one is playing Cupid, an Indian or a merry man from Sherwood, having nearly-authentic wooden arrows on hand surely enhances the experience.

