
Make MoneY At Home - Secrets OF Using Clickbank for Affiliate Marketing or for Your Own Product As Your Main Income Stream

Make Money at home is a wonderful job. This job, according to several information, is a dream job for most of the web surfer. Why is it call a dream job? because for most of them it's really just a dream. Actually making money from the internet is not hard, as long as you have patience, consistency and keep focus on one strategy.In this article I will give you a secrets of using clickbank as my main income from the internet. For you that do not know what clickbank is, its a payment portal or website, where anyone can sell their own product through their site and become clickbank vendors, or anyone can resell other people product for high commission (either one time payment, recurring or both with around 50% to 75% per sale) and become clickbank's affiliate, or anyone can become both vendor and affiliate.To join clickbank is very easy and completely free (except if you want to list your own product and become a vendor, for your first product, after approval, you have to pay about US$49 , in order to be listed. This only for the first product, the next are free). So join as an affiliate for free and start making money. I will not go to deep with all information about clickbank (what is hoplink etc.) you can easily get them via google or clickbank.After become an affiliate, you can promote any product you want, and Nail Sticker in this article I will briefly inform the secrets to become one very good affiliate marketers.The secrets are :1. Choose the right product or products to sell2. Market the product3. Get the commissionSimple? yes it is, I will go a little deeper with each step1. Choose the right product or products to sellThere are thousands of products available at clickbank, and as an affiliate, you can sell all of them if you want to. To choose the right product you have to do a little research. Usually the most popular niche are : making money, weight loss, health product, etc.For me the easiest way is to use cbengine, it's a paid services, but you can use their free service for this purpose. You can search top 10 product for Iphone 4s Cases any categories that you like. for basic guidance, minimum gravity is 50 and no upper limit, but from experience, maximum gravity 150 can become your consideration. There's no hardrock rules in this, it's all empirical. You better choose a Niche that you understand more, this is not a must, but it will be easier for you to sell poduct that familiar to you.2. Market the productTo market the product, I recommend you to have specific domain for each product, and then put your affiliate on that domain, by having some script and save it on your domain root folder as an index.html so when someone click yourdomain.com it will go to your domain and actually they will find the product webpage.To make a sale you must have traffic to your site. You can get Paid traffic and Free traffic. Paid traffic (using adwords) is instant, but you have to pay quite a lot on it, and you have to know basic strategy in order to have good adwords campaign.I like free traffic more. There are various free traffic strategy, but I only focus on article marketing. Try to write up to 30 articles for each product you sell and post them on the good article directories site. Google love Ezine Articles, so by posting our articles on Ezine articles, you will have greater chances of exposure and can along the way can be rated high on google search engine, and creating more traffic that eventually resulting in more sales of your product.To make good articles, you have to know what keywords you are going to use. Try to get a good long tail keywords for your product, and you can use free google keywords tools for this purpose, or use paid software such as Market Samurai (this one is excellent software). Try to look for keywords with monthly searches above 1,500 and resulting webpages below 1,000,000Put your keywords on article title, and inside the body of the article, (my rule, 1 keywords for 100 words or keywords density maximum 1%).Post your articles on Ezine articles and other directories. Along the time, you will have more and more view and clicks on your articles and your sales page, and sales will automatically pouring in.3. Get the CommissionYou keep doing item 2 above over and over again and it will generate automatic commission from clickbank.That's all about the basic of article marketing. Actually by learning and doing this method you are almost guaranteed to get income from the internet.4. Subscriber ListsSubscribers lists is the greatest weapon of all advanced internet marketer, they have thousands of e-mail lists on their hands, therefore it is very easy to sell their own product or others product (via joint ventures affiliates etc.), they only need to push button to broadcast captivating e-mail to their lists and money will pouring in no time. They aquire this big lists by using advaned opt in strategies via their professional squeeze pages.For more in depth information InternetMoneyMachines.netAndy Riandi

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