
Bed Bug - A Nuisance!

Is your house a victim of bed bug invasion? You don't need to be worried about that anymore. Several bed bug exterminating companies are available these days, which will not only make your house a healthier place but also save it from further bed bug infestations.Bed bug infestation is quite a common problem. Hidden in the crevices of bed and furniture, these wingless creatures has evolved into nuisances. These nocturnal parasites survive on the blood of warm blooded animals like human, birds, bats and others. About 74 species of bugs are known to feed on humans, the most frequently found being Cimex lectularius. Let us educate ourselves about the biology of these creatures.BiologyThese creatures don't have wings hence, crawls to move from from one place to the other. Mostly found in bedrooms, they live in the cracks and gaps in the bed frame and feed at night, when the host is sleeping. Usually an adult bed bug is about 5 mm long, oval, flat and reddish brown in color but turns pulpy and blood red after feeding. The female lays eggs in batches of 10 to 50 which take on average 10 days to hatch and can mature into an adult within one or two month. Bed bugs are not known to carry many disease causing viruses. But their bites can cause irritation, resulting in pain, swelling, itchiness and sleepless nights. It is quite surprising that bed bugs can live up to 140 days without food. The adult usually lives for about 10 months but can survive for a year. Bed bugs are sensitive to temperature and start to die if temperatures drops below 9oC or rise above 36oC.These insects multiply at a swift rate, hence it is essential for you to eradicated efficiently and quickly. It is advisable to seek the services of a flying shark licensed exterminator company or expert. Choosing to do it yourself will take longer and may not be a successful attempt. Finding a professional bed bug exterminator may be a challenging task but not an impossible one. You need to keep in mind certain things while hiring an expert. * The most important thing is to ask for references of the people whose premises they have cleared of bed bug infestation. This will give you information to understand the skills and efficiency of the company.* The next thing to know is whether the company has a license. License forms a qualified and accredited source.* You should make sure that the company you are going to hire has Air Swimmers insurance like public liability and professional indemnity.* Find a company which has been into exterminating service for years and has a good track record.* Wholesale Air Swimmers Ask them about how they are going to perform the extermination. Try to know about the chemicals and equipment they are going to use in the process.* Seek their advise about how the extermination will be effective. A professional exterminator may ask you to wash up clothes and clean the places that have been infested by bed bugs.You can search over the internet to locate these professionals. Sometimes, you will also find them in small advertisements in newspapers. But you should do good research before choosing any bed bugs exterminator. New York residents will find it easier to S107 helicopter get hold of an expert as there are several bed bug exterminating companies available there.

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